Nervous system regulation is the most effective way to manage stress and increase productivity

 and thankfully it's FAR less complicated than you may think!

You feel and perform at your best when your nervous system is flexible and responsive. When you crack the code to your nervous system, you are more present, resilient and able to truly unlock your potential.

In today's modern world, millions of people are operating with a chronically dysregulated nervous system, leading to high levels of stress, burnout, strained relationships, decreased productivity and poor physical and mental health


Fortunately, there are tools you can implement right now - many in 5 minutes or less - to start healing your nervous system today.

Free Nervous System Regulation Toolkit

Your simple, on-the-go guide with over 50 quick and effective tools to regulate your nervous system.

Please confirm your subscription to receive your download. We hate a messy inbox as much as you, please rest assured we will not spam you.

Give yourself the gift of a regulated nervous system.

 Symptoms of a dysregulated nervous system: 
  • Overwhelmed and stressed 😮‍💨
  • Feeling 'tired but wired', your body is exhausted but your inner critic won't shut up 📣
  • Snappy and reactive with your loved ones, followed by pangs of regret and guilt when you inevitably overthink the interaction later 😥
  • Chronic procrastination and lack of motivation - you want to do the thing but you feel stuck and frozen when you try to take action 🥶
  • Reduced productivity and feeling like you're tip-toeing on the brink of burnout 🔥


AFTER you learn how to effectively regulate your nervous system, you may experience: 
  • Sharper focus and increased presence  🧠
  • The ability to face challenges with calm confidence and resilience 💪
  • Less negative self-talk 🚫
  • Improved physical and mental health 🧬
  • A sense of autonomy and freedom when you understand your body on a whole new level ✨

This toolkit includes:

  • Down-regulations tools to use when your fight-and-flight branch of the nervous system is highly activated during periods of stress and overwhelm 🌱
  • Up-regulation tools when you need to feel more alert and energised 🚨
  • BONUS sleep meditation to help you relax, cut energetic cords and heal your nervous system through deep, restful sleep 😴


Free Nervous System Regulation Toolkit

Also includes a BONUS sleep hypnosis audio to aid a restful night's sleep by cutting energetic cords. 

Please confirm your subscription to receive your download. We hate a messy inbox as much as you, please rest assured we will not spam you.

Meet your coach

Steph Ellen is a multi-passionate recovered perfectionist who empowers ambitious professionals and empathetic service providers to heal, grow and transform their lives so they can 10x impact without losing themselves in the process.

Steph is a certified life coach, Aaruka® Healer, 350hr yoga teacher, breathwork facilitator, equine veterinarian and life-long learner with a passion for educating.  

Drawing on both modern neuroscience and ancient wisdom, Steph's coaching style is a holistic blend of potent mindset work, subconscious reprogramming, energetics and working with the nervous system. 

When she's not working, you'll find Steph trail running in the Aussie bush, dancing at a music festival  (with zero rhythm but mad enthusiasm 🤘) or snuggling her two cats, Freddie and Elton.